Dwarvish Names
Dwarvish is a term used for associations and belongings of dwarves. It belongs to the world of fantasy, fiction, and mythology. Dwarves are some of the fascinating characters in movies and books. They have their universe in fiction. They have their culture, language, and norms. All of these things are known to us by the term Dwarvish.
Dwarves are so popular, and so are the dwarvish. In search of dwarvish names if you have landed here, let’s take you to our collection of such unique Dwarvish names.
Male Dwarvish Names
Let’s start with names specific for males. Explore our collection of dwarvish names with their English meanings. These names can be used not only for dwarves but also for any purpose as they have sound meanings in English.
- Balrim which means “Flame of the Forge“
- Throrin which means “King of Stone“
- Dwalrik which means “Keeper of Anvils“
- Gundrik which means “Battle Axe“
- Thorin which means “Bold and Brave” (canonical, reused here for its popularity)
- Durrin which means “Enduring Spirit“
- Falkrim which means “Watcher of Peaks“
- Grimvar which means “Steadfast Defender“
- Khorlin which means “Rock Warrior“
- Ragmir which means “Forge Flame“
- Stornir which means “Mountain Guardian“
- Durgen which means “Keeper of Halls“
- Thrunin which means “Stonehewer“
- Borgrim which means “Mountain-born“
- Gralvik which means “Master of Ore“
- Volrik which means “Shield Wielder“
- Khalruk which means “Stonebreaker“
- Hrogrim which means “Deep Hammer“
- Bromdur which means “Heart of Iron“
- Thargrim which means “Ancient Stone“
- Galdorim which means “Hidden Flame“
- Durathor which means “Anvil’s Thunder“
- Gornin which means “Earth Brother“
- Brothar which means “Mountain Bear“
- Throndin which means “Golden Heart“
- Mothrik which means “Echo of Stone“
- Drongar which means “Watcher of Gates“
- Khalvin which means “Forge Elder“
- Rovek which means “Guardian of Secrets“
- Storrik which means “Peak Guardian“
- Tholdin which means “Keeper of Legends“
- Durvarn which means “Ironblood“
- Vorgrim which means “Mountain Flame“
- Dhronnir which means “Echo of Peaks“
- Thronrik which means “Stone Pillar“
- Gralkar which means “Hammer Bearer“
- Othrin which means “Pathfinder“
- Drelin which means “Cave Seeker“
- Brorik which means “Kin of Stone“
- Farnor which means “Bold Warrior“
- Throgrim which means “Echo of the Forge“
- Bolrik which means “Silent Hammer“
- Vorrin which means “Keeper of Deep Fire“
- Khraldin which means “Elder of Halls“
- Gorrin which means “Stone Wolf“
- Drorim which means “Unyielding Flame“
- Khurnik which means “Earth’s Embrace“
- Thrannor which means “Defender of Peaks“
- Dalkrim which means “Rock Walker“
- Krothin which means “Watcher of the Forge“
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Female Dwarvish Names
After male names, female names are the obvious next thing. Keeping in mind the qualities of women, we have created several names representing dwarvish giving a sound meaning.
- Brynneth which means “Shining Crown“
- Thralda which means “Keeper of the Forge“
- Dorneth which means “Iron Guardian“
- Khovra which means “Mountain Flame“
- Dralwyn which means “Stone Singer“
- Varlith which means “Seeker of Gold“
- Tholga which means “Shield Sister“
- Gorvyn which means “Bearer of Secrets“
- Forthin which means “Golden Bloom“
- Khraldis which means “Deep Echo“
- Brolyn which means “Kin Keeper”
- Drenna which means “Mountain Watcher“
- Thralyn which means “Lore Keeper“
- Hralda which means “Hammer Maiden“
- Grorneth which means “Stone Blossom“
- Mornin which means “Heart of Fire“
- Valkra which means “Gold Seeker“
- Thrilda which means “Hearth Defender“
- Bromith which means “Forge Warden“
- Orlaith which means “Keeper of Light“
- Grelwyn which means “Stone Weaver“
- Thorneth which means “Guardian of Peaks“
- Dorra which means “Silent Forge“
- Molva which means “Steel Blossom“
- Brynith which means “Golden Hammer“
- Thaldis which means “Fire Warden“
- Khorla which means “Earth Keeper“
- Vorwyn which means “Shield of Kin“
- Draneth which means “Echo of Legends“
- Gorlith which means “Iron Maiden“
- Tharlia which means “Flame Seeker“
- Dralva which means “Stone Whisperer“
- Khalira which means “Rock Defender“
- Forneth which means “Gleaming Flame“
- Hrotha which means “Deep Miner“
- Stornith which means “Echo of Stone“
- Khrinna which means “Heart of Peaks“
- Brolva which means “Hearth Keeper“
- Thalvia which means “Stone Shield“
- Durwyn which means “Flame of Kin“
- Graldis which means “Forge Singer“
- Morrith which means “Golden Vein“
- Dornith which means “Echo of Fire“
- Valkria which means “Bold Warrior“
- Threlia which means “Hearth Light“
- Grylaith which means “Mountain Jewel“
- Molrith which means “Deep Flame“
- Bryndis which means “Crown Bearer“
- Tharlwyn which means “Keeper of Paths“
- Khrorva which means “Stone’s Grace“
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Tolkein Dwarvish Names
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien a.k.a Tolkein is a writer of fantasy and fiction. He authored the famous The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Both of his writings became a massive hit among the masses when filmed. He is the creator of this fictional universe. The following names are collections from Tolkein’s works.
- Thralkor which means “Hammer of the Peaks“
- Durnmir which means “Unyielding Forge“
- Gralrin which means “Bearer of Stone“
- Thrainor which means “Path of Iron“
- Khorvik which means “Mountain Sentinel“
- Drorvik which means “Rockshaper“
- Rannor which means “Iron Soul“
- Stalgrim which means “Eternal Anvil“
- Thromrin which means “Stone Smith“
- Bolthar which means “Keeper of Flame“
- Vorlik which means “Defender of Halls“
- Kragmir which means “Echo of Iron“
- Dwarlin which means “Hewer of Peaks“
- Graldor which means “Golden Shield“
- Durgrim which means “Heart of Stone“
- Morthar which means “Deep Flame“
- Kholrin which means “Watcher of the Deep“
- Brothor which means “Iron Kin“
- Threngar which means “Flame of Legends“
- Roknar which means “Guardian of Mountains“
- Stornor which means “Keeper of Stone“
- Tholgrin which means “Warrior of Ore“
- Grimnar which means “Hammerlord“
- Kharkor which means “Flame Warden“
- Grodin which means “Stone’s Echo“
- Thrandar which means “Anvil Keeper“
- Brorgrin which means “Brother of the Forge“
- Durken which means “Ancient Flame“
- Tholmar which means “Ore Finder“
- Dranrik which means “Path Walker“
- Kryldor which means “Rock’s Heart“
- Volthar which means “Defender of Kin“
- Throrvak which means “Echo of Peaks“
- Khalgrim which means “Goldshaper“
- Hrornin which means “Mountain Echo“
- Grarok which means “Deep Hunter“
- Othrik which means “Master of Gates“
- Dworik which means “Rock’s Keeper“
- Khraldor which means “Crown of Iron“
- Thornar which means “Seeker of Flame“
- Bolkar which means “Hearth Guardian“
- Strolmir which means “Flame Bearer“
- Gorathor which means “Shield of Stone“
- Thrundir which means “Fire Brother“
- Krogar which means “Ore Seeker“
- Vorgrim which means “Watcher of the Forge“
- Dralthor which means “Keeper of Anvils“
- Hroldir which means “Silent Shield“
- Thordak which means “Echo Warden“
- Broglin which means “Hammer Kin“
- Khalynn which means “Heart of the Mountain“
- Stornith which means “Peak Seeker“
- Throlga which means “Hammerlight“
- Bryndor which means “Iron Crown“
- Dwalria which means “Stone’s Song“
- Gralda which means “Keeper of Secrets“
- Mornith which means “Flame of the Forge“
- Valkria which means “Golden Path“
- Thaldis which means “Hallsinger“
- Drenneth which means “Guardian of Peaks“
- Brolvia which means “Silent Flame“
- Thralyn which means “Hammer Keeper“
- Orlith which means “Cave Singer“
- Molga which means “Glow of Ore“
- Gralwyn which means “Stone Weaver“
- Dralria which means “Anvil Flame“
- Khroneth which means “Eternal Flame“
- Tharnith which means “Shining Rock“
- Vorneth which means “Seeker of Halls“
- Bralvia which means “Echo of Gold“
- Hraldis which means “Hearth Warden“
- Krolda which means “Hammer of Kin“
- Threlwyn which means “Guardian of Anvils“
- Vorlyn which means “Keeper of Peaks“
- Dwalynn which means “Flame Bearer“
- Stornia which means “Crown of Stone“
- Brylia which means “Hearth Singer“
- Khalnis which means “Silent Anvil“
- Graltha which means “Ore Mistress“
- Durvia which means “Mountain Glow“
- Tholria which means “Watcher of Gates“
- Molvia which means “Deep Shield“
- Orvla which means “Flame Weaver“
- Khralyn which means “Stone Lorekeeper“
- Thraldis which means “Anvil Maker“
- Grornis which means “Peak Keeper“
- Drarwyn which means “Rock Maiden“
- Hrolda which means “Hammer Singer“
- Brynnor which means “Crown Wielder“
- Vorlia which means “Glow of Peaks“
- Molrin which means “Echo Singer“
- Drelwyn which means “Stone Kin“
- Tholvia which means “Deep Light“
- Bralyn which means “Forge Walker“
- Durmyn which means “Anvil Warden“
- Graldis which means “Shaper of Halls“
- Thrornis which means “Hearth Glow“
- Brylin which means “Silent Crown“
- Krolyn which means “Ore Keeper“
- Thralrin which means “Stone Flame“
For whatever reason you are interested in dwarvish names, we have provided you with hundreds of dwarvish names with appropriate English meanings. Choose a name according to your character’s personality reading all the meanings.